About Us

Our Mission

It is the mission of Brunswick Center for Biblical Counseling to bring hope and healing to the community through professional counseling and care rooted in biblical principles.

Our Vision

The vision of Brunswick Center for Biblical Counseling is to be a distinctly biblical counseling center serving individuals, families, couples, and ministry leaders with affordable counseling and care. We are committed to offering hope and healing through Jesus Christ. As biblical counselors, we are called to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captive, and comfort those who mourn. BCBC desires to be an extension of the local church, offering counsel to those going through a season of difficulty. We are a support and resource for local pastors and for our community. Many people desire counseling and healing offered through Jesus Christ, but they do not know where to turn, cannot afford counseling, or are unaware of available resources. BCBC is intended to be a resource within reach of anyone who wants help.

Partners and Supporters
  • Brunswick Center for Biblical Counseling is supported through tax free donations.
  • Counseling is done by certified and degreed members of Brunswick churches.
  • Counseling is available to the public free of charge.  Donations are encouraged and appreciated.
  • Board members consist of Directors of County Non-Profits and Church Partners.
  • Partner Churches provide use of their facilities for small groups, counseling, events, training along with financial support.
  • Supporting Churches provide financial support to cover event costs, counseling supplies, etc.